Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Birthday to me

Today was a wonderful birthday (well, as wonderful as it can be when your nearing 40).

We had family all come over and celebrate it with us and we had some moments today that made it extra special.

One being that Payton is pulling herself up to a standing position (1st time in the bathtub today).  Personally I don't think she's ready to do this.  I think she's far less stable than Livy was but maybe that's because my water mark for stability is a 2.75 year old (unlike Livy where I didn't have anything to compare with).

On another note, Payton's 3rd tooth just broke through (one on top) and by all indications there's 3 more right behind.  In the next 2 weeks this baby is going to go from big gummy grin to a big toothy one.

To wrap it all up the Canucks won their 1st playoff game keeping themselves from being eliminated in the 1st round.  While I can't say that I'm overly enjoying the hockey season, at least one game won beats a clean sweep elimination.

All in the last year was good but with a few rocky moments.  We made it though and it has set us up for this next year being pretty stellar.

Here's a few photos since its been so long.  Here's a shot of the Toddler's version of Man Land being too much for Livy.  This was her 1st evening watching Aladin on her new set up.

Best Friends (for now).  Notice Livy's hair is FINALLY growing.  I fear we have the same x many years ahead with Payton as well.  Now the dilemna is whether to cut Livy's into something that's short but neat or let it continue grow albiet unevenly).


Shannon said...

Livy and Payton look so alike! Pic is soooo cute! x

Taryn said...

Happy Birthday Renee!