Saturday, March 17, 2012

March's Update and some pics

I'm so glad I've kept this blog.  Its wonderful fun going back and remembering where Livy was in her development and seeing how Payton's holding up.  For a girl who had such a rough start, she's doing pretty good.

Payton's been working at standing and her legs are good and strong now.  She's not trying to get up on her own but unlike Livy, her play area doesn't have anything for her to try it with.  This last week she's been up on her knees a few times so the crawling stage is just around the corner.  Ironically she's within a week or two of Livy with this development and if Livy (and Wilma) didn't hand her toys so much I'm confident that she would be right on track with Livy.  Its good news because with such a slow start you just never know how its going to affect her.  Also, so many CDH babies take a few years to 'catch' up to their developmental milestones.  Considering Livy was walking before she was 10 months we're hopeful that keeping up to Livy within a few weeks means Payton isn't dealing with any developmental delays of if she is, they're minor.

Livy is pretty good now with her potty training and its only when we're out of the house that we have issues since she's afraid of the automatic flushers (whoever designed those didn't do it with a potty training toddler in their house).  I have to keep reminding myself that she's only 2 and its often so hard since she's so talkative, active and (in my mind) smart.

The month of February saw our family all dealing with big colds.  Payton ended up with pneumonia and desipte having to go on antibiotics she handled it amazingly well.  We're all good and healthy now and hopefully have gotten through Payton's 1st cold season with no huge issues.

Dwayne and I are doing well and while work keeps us super busy (our house is super disorganized) we're gearing up for the spring and we're loving the longer days.  Dwayne did his 1st mountain bike ride today (bonked) but it does mark the beginning of summer in our huse. Yipee!! 


Corinne said...

Thanks for these awesome pictures and update, Renee. Payton is totally gorgeous. Love the headband and those new teeth. :)

Mama to Samuel

Angela, Tony, Mattiaus and Marcus said...

Hi Renee, great update! Was thinking about you guys the other day and wondering how Livy & Payton are doing :) the pictures are wonderful and your girls are beautiful!! Hugs to you, Angela

Haley said...

Beautiful pictures of a very beautiful little girl!

Kelli said...

Love the big smile! So sweet!