Saturday, January 28, 2012

2 Pooper's

Yup, both girls have now pooped in the toilet!!!

The irony is that Livy started after Payton did it.  But to explain I need to back up a bit.

When Livy was 6 months old I started researching toilet training in infants.  It was actually quite interesting (worth looking into for any parent). We started out with Livy at 6 months and after a couple of weeks she would pee (within a few minutes) on the toilet every time I would sit her one it.  After about a month of it we got lazy and stopped.  At 8 months (or so) I tried putting her back on the toilet but she would have NOTHING of it.  Our window of opportunity was lost and now here we are at 2.5 months and we're struggling.

But now Payton is at that ripe age of putting her on to train her as we did with Livy (and this time we're committed to staying the course). 

Yesterday, Payton POOPED on the toilet.  We were so crazy happy and we all did the happy dance.

Livy not to be outdone by her sister for the 1st time ever today POOPED on the toilet.  Not once but TWICE!!!  She we've officially cracked out the Smarties (insert trademark symbol here), the carrot we've been holding for the last 5 months or so.  We also cracked out the big girl underwear and she's pretty happy about that.

We'll see how we do.  For now we're all pleased as punch with the Livster though its also sad to see her 'grow' up with these very important milestones.

Now I must sign off because I just realized its 7:15pm and I have a very emotional 2.5 year old sitting on the toilet (by the way, her hour long stints are getting old already, sounds like she's taking after her daddy in that department) and crying.  She need some mommy time to get us to bedtime tonight.

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