Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bad Bloggers!!

Ok, so its been a while since we've blogged. Usually that means that our days have been busy and time has gotten away from us and of course that's exactly the case.

Lots happened in the last month. The biggest of course is that Livy's transitioned from a creepy crawler to an all out walker.

We're not exactly sure when we can say that Livy was 'walking' since she's been taking multiple steps for almost 2 months now but when she finally decided that walking was faster than crawling 100% of the time was about 10 days ago.

On another note, we have a new addition to our family. Last week we welcomed Wilma, our live in care giver for Olivia. Wilma hails from the Philippines and though there's been a few juggling acts as far as scheduling is concerned, we all have taken to her quite quickly.

On a different note, we can comfortably say that Olivia is now talking. Of course it consists of one syllable, one word sentences but she's saying words with meaning. The two that she says are 'bubble' and 'out' (to the dogs...and sometimes Dwayne and I).

Her words have been part of her vocabulary for a few weeks now and we were even able to get video of them.

Livy's sign vocabulary has expanded as welll with her using the sign for milk (something she does far too often with mom that coupled with a very satisfying smile on her face) and the sign for 'please' (though this one takes a bit of coaxing to get out).

The wonderful thing is we know what she wants and many frustrations are avoided because of the 4 simple words she knows (more, finished, milk and finished).

I'll be adding a few videos and I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy watching the little bug each and every day. It keeps getting better but in a heartbeat I would start it all over again.

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