Friday, November 6, 2009

"He'll be missed"

Today was a sad day in the Kress/Brickner household. Today we said goodbye to a very well loved friend, Max (Maxie) Kress.

When I first met Dwayne back in 2002 Maxie wasn't just "his dog" he was an extension of Dwayne and went everywhere Dwayne did.

We have some awesome memories of the Ol' Bastard (as he's affectionally called on occassion - usually when food has gone missing or he's marked his territory in the dining room...) and as Dwayne always said whenever Maxie disappeared on one of his neighbourhood trash walks or in the forest on a walk and we feared he may not find his way back "He'll be missed".

And he is.

Max & Dwayne in 2004 when Max got an ear infection. Dwayne decided that tying a sock around his head would prevent him from scratching.

Fortunately Dwayne never quit his day job - any vet would be horrified!! Still, like a good dog Max put up with anything Dwayne dished out.

Max never liked puppies. Here he is doing his best to ignore another one...2004.

Max doing what he always loved. Playing with his Dad at the beach - 2004.

Maxie being a good Co-Pilot - 2004 (one of my favourite pictures of him).

Max was always a crafty one and whenever there was something missing off the counter, chances were that Max instigated the theft. Here's a prime example of how much trouble he could get into...leave the pantry door open even just a little and you were asking for it. Feb 2005

Never quick learners it took us another "Pantry Attack" for us to learn our lesson - and make the decision to remove our carpet. March 2005 Not long after this he also learned how to open the stove.

Halloween 2005

He just never gave up!! November 2005

Christmas 2005

Halloween 2006

Christmas 2006

Halloween 2007

1 comment:

SIENA DUDE said...

you guys love those dogs, good on ya Max obviously had a great life with you and is in doggie heaven now...pretty savage attack of the pantry there....those photos of the pooches in front of the Christmas tree are priceless...bow wow!