How many times in the last 3 months have I looked at Livy and found new reasons to smile and fall in love with her. So many little things that she does that I absolutely LOVE and swear that I will never forget. Of course, I know I will so I'm going to write them down so I'll always remember them.
So, here are a few of my favourite things that our darling Olivia does that makes me smile...
1. Grunts like a T-Rex (see September 10th video clip).
2. Coos on my chest after a feeding (she's doing it less and less now but it was something I loved when she was smaller and so I now cherish it when she's relaxed enough to settle down and tell me how content she is).
3. Stretches after a nap with her little bum out and arms stretched out (we're trying to get a picture of this before she stops doing it).
4. Flays her arms out and because her arms are so long, I call it her 'Albatross' pose.
5. Talks - yup, she's a little chatter box...another thing we're working on in the photo department.
6. Settles down from a crying spell with a foot massage. And yes, if I were to stop, she'd start crying again. At least something works!!
7. She easily falls asleep if I'm gently breathing on the top of her head (its a wonderful thing to put her to bed like this but it has the potential to have dire consequences...imagine a 10 year old needing someone to breath on the top of her head to sleep...)
There's so many more things, the above only being the ones I can remember off the top of my head. But we'll keep adding more as we remember them.
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