Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Growing up is hard to do

We're back with a short video clip of Olivia. Here she is debuting her efforts at standing.

Today saw both a few highs and lows as Livy took a nasty spill cutting the inside of her mouth and giving herself a bit of a bruise near her eye (tomorrow will tell how bad it ends up).

Here's a quick picture of the bruising a few hours after the crash.

You can see a line from the corner of her mouth where she hit the edge near her mouth and a few additional bruises along the rest of the face. The good news is by the time I got around the corner to pick her up (screaming at the top of her lungs with a mouth full of blood) there she was trying to pull herself up into a standing position again. AND, while we both waited out her cries of pain in my arms she kept trying to get down so that she could get back to standing/walking some more (suffice to say my hamstrings have been getting a great work out the last 2+ weeks or so since Livy has figured out "one foot in front of the other").

Here's our little trooper putting a show on for us after her crash. Fortunately she learned a few things - a little bit of caution and how to get down from a standing position properly.

1 comment:

Mom said...

What determination!!!! She is such a smart little girl. Watch out she will be on her own soon.