Wednesday, October 24, 2007

22 Weeks

22 weeks (you guessed it) another week down, and another week closer to that "golden" milestone.

Things have been progressing well though I'll admit, as we start to near that 24 week mark I'm starting to get nervous. Its been a goal since 16w2d (date of rupture) so I've sort of made that milestone 'larger than life' and as a result, the closer we get, the more nervous. Sort of like the school play. You practice and practice to get to that fateful day with so much anticipation and eagerness. You count down the days, then the hours and then minutes then your hovering just on the sidelines waiting fory your cue... and just about at the point where you're timed to make your debut appearance, all you want to do is hurl. Yup, sort of like that.

On another note, I started taking bi-weekly belly shots (no, not the straight on close up like my earlier posts...I'll only subject you to that hairy monster once each pregnancy). But the profile shots showing my expanding belly :).

Here's the 22+week bump (ok so it took me till 22w2d to muster up a picture).

For the record, I absolutely LOVE my belly and I cannot wait for it to get even bigger!! I can't wait for my belly button to pop out and quite honestly I'm so looking forward to that first stretch mark (and the many many more to follow). You guessed it...I'm hoping to be as big as a house with all the battle scars to prove it and I'm going to wear them with pride (and a bikini :D). The bigger I am of course means the longer these little monsters are baking. (again remind me of this later when I'm complaining).

Not much else is going on. We're still leaking amniotic fluid throughout the day and recently I had a wicked cold that pretty much took control of my life for 2 days. Fortunatly it eased up quickly and though tired, I'm recovering like a champ. As for the amniotic fluid, we're chalking that up to the fact that the little one is growing thus peeing more and there's just more fluid in general to go around.

Tomorrow is Thursday again and as much as I hate Thursdays (as you may recall), its also the LAST Thursday in October so YAY for that.


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