Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Its been a while since I've updated here. Its March now but on February I typed out the below in a word document and am finaly putting it on here:

Blog update

Life has been keeping us busy, so busy I find I hate getting on the computer after work…but as I’ll ashamedly admit, social media is where I’m currently getting my news flow (that isn’t directly linked to the resource industry).

Livy continues to make me smile with all my being.  She’s starting to develop quite the little personality both with a sense of humour that amazes me and a stubbornness that scares me.  So we decided a few weeks ago that we needed to actually plan our parenting/disciplining style.  Number one being that Dwayne and I are on the same page.  For a while now I’ve heard about a discipline technique called 1-2-3 Magic.  So far I’ve only read a small portion of the book but what we’ve taken away has been very good.  Number 1 for its simplicity, number 2 for its consistency and number 3 because it’s a non-confrontational discipline style, everyone (even Wilma) is comfortable utilizing it.  Livy has also been receptive of it and anytime I start to count her poor behaviour she’ll state “Stop counting” and most of the time she’ll curb her behaviour.  Occasionally she’ll count me back or happily (while still drawing on the counter) she’ll count for me J.

Right now we have a sick household.  I believe I brought it into the house and have mostly recovered from it and currently Dwayne and Payton are in the thick of it.  Payton took a subtle turn for the worst early yesterday and so we took her to the doctor.  He heard a rattle in her chest and sent her for x-rays.  While we haven’t heard any results (which often means a good thing) he did put her on antibiotics for potential pneumonia.  As sick as she sounds, she always has a cackle (she cackles when she laughs instead of giggling) and a smile readily available.

This morning Livy work up sick too and when I went to get her out of bed the first thing she said when I asked if she was sick was “Yes, Bob’s sick too”.  So there you have it, not only was this cold bad enough to get our family sick, it was enough to get Bob the Dinosaur sick too.

Some photos:
The Bug making pizza.

A visit from Auntie Deanna and her pooches:

Potty training Daddy Style

A long day in the life of Payton


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Payton's sitting

Its interesting that Payton and Livy learned to sit at almost the same corrected age.  I remember when Livy learned to sit up on her own, it was literally the last couple of days in January 2009.  The fact that Livy and Payton's due dates were within 1 day of each other make their development in this department also within a day or so of each other.

Two days ago (Jan 30) Payton went from sort of sitting but only if balanced to by the end of the day being able to balance herself in part by shifting her body weight and in part by putting a hand down when needed.

She's still not great to be left alone (every once in a while she looks up and falls over) but for the most part she will sit on her own for several minutes (or until she's bored with whatever she's playing with.

On another note, potty training in our house has developed into a non pattern pattern.  In otherwords, we've been trained to expect nothing. Some hours/days are good for either girl and some are simply diaper hours/days.

Still, its different and for that reason we'll assume its forward movement.